Bully Barr BS

John Flannery
1 min readFeb 13, 2020


by John P. Flannery

Barr, the lackey to Trump, makes faux bullying defense — a hint that public outcry is squeezing the criminal conspiracy that passes itself off as a Justice Department while really doing what trump tells them to do for an array of trump’s conspirators.

Public commentators are bending over backward to explain these crimes against the state in some harmless fashion. Shame.

This is merely a pause, a brief setback, toward Trump’s original objective — to preserve and protect the Trump 100 — and Stone is first up and most visible because of his sentencing on the 20th.

Still so many want to believe these lying scoundrels and thus they make way, by their indifference, so that Trump and his Trumpeteers can pull off their next “handwringing, head scratching” offense.

Just saying.




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