Factory Farms — are not our friends

John Flannery
2 min readMay 2, 2020


by John P. Flannery

I’m making a few notes for this week’s podcast — and looking for events that capture what’s wrong in our Administration’s faux fight against the pandemic.

One of the things is how they exalt Smithfield and other animal processing centers and force the working poor back into these plants when these food factories have been putting us and the environment at risk for years.

Just one of things that they do is make antibiotics part of their process that can create superbugs that compromise our health,

That’s without even talking about the Coronavirus Smithfield and other food processes let run rampant in their plants — prompting them to close down — and now forced open by Trump and his lackeys. Listen to this ted Talk on super bugs — https://youtu.be/ZwHapgrF99A

The pandemic has made a number of defects and bad practices that exist in our society.

The pandemic is an opportunity to do this right and come on line when it’s right and the right way.

I’ll elaborate more in tomorrow’s podcast.

This is the link to last week’s podcast. Subscribe. And let me know what you think. https://anchor.fm/john-flannery1/episodes/Episode-9---Trump-as-loser--and-the-New-Serfdom---by-John-P--Flannery-eda0qi




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