By John P. Flannery
NO APOLOGY WAS REQUIRED. Chuck was right to say things are going to change in the next election, if we replace Trump, and nominate impartial judges to take the bench, not political cronies who know less law than my jack russell pup.
This was Chuck’s plain and clear message, standing on the steps of the Supreme Court.
The fact that he was robust in his speech, is no cause for apology.
The only speech worth having and protecting is by its nature, robust.
Chuck didn’t ask two justice to recuse themselves, as did Tyrant Trump a week earlier, before this case was argued before the court.
That more aggressive and specifically inappropriate demand by Tyrant Trump, on the eve of this argument, caught Roberts snoring, silent in the face of an assault on two associates on his court.
Did Roberts make a political choice?
Are some associate justices less worthy of a defense?
Was Roberts bullied by Trump, is that the difference, just as the Senate Republicans have shown themselves to be.
Once, it was hoped Roberts truly cared to improve the standing of the court, to erase the political stain of certain past decisions — especially the Supremes pre-empting the Florida vote count and choosing the president for the nation, rather than let the process play out — thus did Bush become our chief exec.
Of the two judges that Chuck name-checked, who can shake out of their mind Matt Damon’s dead on mimicry of (I love beer) Kavanagh who said. in essence, “beware the whirlwind,” about what Chuck said standing on the steps of the Supreme Court?
What’s good for the goose ….
Can we forget that Kavanagh got the nomination to join the supremes because of his elastic notions of precedent and abortion and a questionable dissent that positioned him for the nomination.
As the courts and legislature and chief exec become political and autocratic, we must fall back on our first amendment exertions to re-set and reform our “constitutional” government from top to bottom.
That’s what Chuck did — and there is and should be no need to apologize.
When everything else fails to function as the constitution provided, there is the first amendment and the ballot box.
How many Ds sought to curb Chuck — made him go to the well of the house today — and insisted he apologize.
What did they say to fill the void when they pushed back on Chuck?
What have they said since to underscore that these political appointments, by Trump/Mitchell/McGahn, narrowed down to specific test issues, like abortion, win nominations for persons who have never tried a case, and plainly lack judicial temperament.
“They” shame Chuck for fighting for a court of law rather than an alt-right policy Vehicle.