One nation again? Not anytime soon!

John Flannery
2 min readMay 15, 2020


by John P. Flannery

I saw the discussion on line — can we become one nation again? — and I think the answer is not now and maybe not ever if human life is discounted, and the almighty dollar is valued more by Trump’s robber barons and his twitter ditto heads than life and dignity.

We were one nation, however imperfect, when Trump came down his golden staircase spewing hate and prejudice as he went. or at least we appeared to be. Trump unleashed the beast that has been the dark side of this nation since the original compact struck by our founders.

How may a person become one with that kind of a nation — Trump nation — with its monarchical arc?

The baby step you would think would be to give him the heave ho in November.

But in the twisted place that has become America, it’s uncertain.

If we succeed, how do we “unite” with those who believe their gut trumps the teachings of science and the order of law and constitution.

We can’t have a society that says it’s fine if you go out and risk the lives of others because you don’t take precautions to avoid this highly contagious and deathly virus.

We can’t have leaders who approve this asocial misconduct.

The right question is not, can we get along, as plainly we can’t get along with some who don’t know what’s best for them or the nation.

And yes I’m fine with that statement.

More of us have to reassert the standards of a civilization, that is, how we treat our own.

Too many suffer an irrational sense of things as they are and compromise us all for their ignorance and foolhardy behavior.

So the real question remains — Are there those among us who can restore the nation of science and law and order — no matter what the worthless zombie like elements prefer?

I think so.

But this is not going to be like some Hallmark card.

We must face up to the facts and negotiate a path forward.

It was easy to tear down our Republic.

It’s going to be hard work to put this nation together again.




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