RICHARD REEVES — a political treasure
By John P. Flannery
Richard Reeves was a great political writer, who examined the wheels and springs of the process, and profiled everyone from precinct chairs to presidents of the United States.
He drifted liberal from his Republican father. His Dad was a judge in New Jersey.
Richard was born in NY and then his family moved to New Jersey, and he came back when he found the good sense to do so.
I met him when he was at New York Magazine, and I sent a story I hoped they’d publish. The story wasn’t published but Richard invited me to have lunch to discuss the story and my writing.
In those days, I found every weekly political piece he wrote spot on, so I enjoyed the meeting and the time he took. And followed him ever since.
I’d see him on the hustings around Manhattan, often down in the Village with his wife walking the streets.
I found out, along with everyone else, that he died a day or so ago at 82 of cancer.
It’s a shame when we lose such a person who was such a blessing while alive.