John Flannery
2 min readFeb 15, 2020


By John P. Flannery

Save me from these gullible know it alls who think that Trump and Barr are at odds — this is a ballet to protect their corrupt deals — to pretend there is independence when you couldn’t fit a sheet of paper between their craven natures.

The McCabe case died because the judge objected, the grand jury refused to indict, prosecutors quit. Dig into the details or don’t comment on what’s going on.

Too many commentators take what these characters say and merely repeat it like it’s true giving them the cover they figured they’d get by this gimmicky reality tv “disagreement.”

The worst offense may be commentators citing Justice Department sources for the proposition that what they are doing is lawful. Really? It is — Not obstruction. not lying. Not violations of due process or equal protection for others accused of the same or similar crimes. Not major ethical violations.

The heroes march off stage left, this time it’s prosecutors, and our agents of change, the elected officials, wring their hands. They are aghast, in wonderment this could happen, wonder if it is legal, want to wait and see. No law suits. No congressional resolutions. No demonstrations. No subpoenas. No attacks on the Senators who have made more crimes by the administration possible.

Change will come from the people. It almost always has.

Just saying.




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