The Misery and Rebirth
By John P. Flannery
Behold the corpse,
Justice Undone,
The righteous bowed,
The brutes unleashed,
The republic in tatters,
Its constitution an empty letter,
Words fill the air,
Lies mostly,
Sophist arguments,
And not very good ones,
For we know what is just and right,
We are the people,
We’ve seen muscle, power, springs and wheels,
Distort the public dialogue,
Release what’s lawless,
Will our will, will we, resist,
Demand a lawful regime,
As in one not kingly,
One that restores the nation,
To the Republic,
It was meant to be,
The means are hard, but they are proven,
They’ve brought down many a demagogue,
We know,
One can’t propitiate an evil God, nor Man,
So, we are returning to the streets,
To the Halls of public buildings,
Best of all, in the end, the coup de grace,
To fill ballot boxes,
With truth and justice,
To run the brutes out,
Constraining the worst,
Sending them to cells, for what they’ve done,
Punishing them for betraying our still young nation,
And the light we bring into the public square,
Will extinguish their soulful darkness,